
PGIB has existed since 1989 and formally since 1992. The following are comments made about PGIB throughout the years.

PGIB - Testimonials


"Since joining PGIB my company receives regular referrals. PGIB has helped grow my law form and they will help your business succeed as well"
Jonathan Denis - Q.C., Partner & CFO, Guardian Law Group LLP (former MLA and Minister of Justice, Attorney General, and Solicitor General)

"I have been a loyal supporter of PGIB's since I started my company. They have helped me expand, I have made many close friends and the services I get from other supporters is second to none."

Pete Archdekin - Pete The Plumber

"If you want results, join the PGIB. My business grew 60% in my first year as a supporter in a large part directly as a result of my affiliation with
the Progressive Group for Independent Business (PGIB) ."   

Mike Havery - www.themortgagearchitect.ca
"There are not many marketing opportunities out there that give you an immediate pay back. From the first meeting I attended I saw my sales increase substantially. If you are serious about your business and growing it, then I recommend joining to any business person or entrepreneur looking to really make an impact on their bottom line." 
Christine Coupland - Royal Lepage
"If someone like me in oil & fluid analysis can get business, than any entrepreneur can benefit from the PGIB. I am extremely happy with this organization and meeting my sales team." 
David Crutcher, Ramatek Inc - www.ramatekinc.com (David has now passed away, but, served as PGIB President for 7 years)  
"PGIB has been a tremendous asset to my business, I have established lasting business relationships that continually conduct business with me."
Jim Blake – Owner / President - www.sitelease.ca  

"I am a proud member of PGIB. As a woman and a Muslim in Calgary, this group has been very helpful in helping not only my family, but our business. PGIB is extremely supportive".
Gaz Qamar - Owner Royal Day Care Centres

"My support of PGIB has paid dividends. I continue to get leads and make money all while supporting getting good people elected to office."

Darvin Zuch - Helia Technologies

If you would like to add your written support for the 
PGIB and our Business Services and Networking please Click Here.

"If you want cocktails join the group downtown. If you want something done, join the PGIB."
Stephen Harper (Former Prime Minister of Canada)

"I hope you will give generously and participate enthusiastically in the Progressive Group for Independent Business...It is time for conservatives to stop apologizing for being conservative...I am sick of the left saying we need to be more Big Tent oriented. Look, Big Tents are fine, but, I do not want one with holes in the roof. I want one that keeps the rain off and the fact is If you go out there and support high taxes, deficit spending and debt, you have holes in the tent and I do not care how big it is and who is under it! Nobody will be satisfied when they get soaked... A lot of good ideas never get very far because they are under capitalized. I would suggest, that you support PGIB at the most generous level that you can. PGIB has the most proven ground game in Canada and they know that it is not just about winning and losing elections. It is not about the next election. It is about the next generation and our convictions, not just simply how we do at the ballot box."
Governor Mike Huckabee (2016 GOP Presidential Candidate, former Governor of Arkansas and well known conservative commentator)
"The PGIB has good core issues, including a Municipal Taxpayers Protection Act to prevent taxes without a referendum...term limits for Mayor and Alderman, a program for divestiture of non-core functions and accountability with the adoption of recorded debates and Council votes."  
Danielle Smith (Alberta Premier and Former QR77 Radio Host)  
"The Progressive Group for Independent Business effectively supports the businesses they serve. PGIB has always been blunt and sincere."  
Ralph Klein (Former Premier of Alberta)  

"The PGIB came here in 1995 and I was a member from day one. Whether it be my efforts to get elected as an Alderman or MLA to getting support for Casablanca Video, the PGIB opened doors that I never could."

Jon Lord (Former City Councillor for Ward 8, former MLA for Calgary Currie and former owner of Casablanca Video)
"PGIB offers real, unique solutions that will work. From a Municipal Taxpayer Protection Act to open accountable government PGIB has the answer."  
Randy Thorsteinson (Former Social Credit Party Leader)
"I encourage you to join the PGIB if you have not already and demand a restructuring of the public sector to both cut costs and improve services. It is time to go forward with a common-sense plan to unleash the power of the marketplace."  
Mike Harris (Former Premier of Ontario)  

" ...the Calgary-based Progressive Group for Independent Business, a group known as the brains behind Ontario Premier Mike Harris's Common Sense Revolution."  

The Globe & Mail  

"I have been a member of PGIB for over 20 years. The work the PGIB has done at all three levels of government throughout Canada is amazing and appreciated. There is no other group with the successes of the PGIB. While other groups worry about headlines, the PGIB gets results in nominations,elections, business development. marketing and fundraising. In my mind the best way to describe the PGIB is that they are like the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB), Fraser Institute, The Chamber of Commerce, the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and Business Networking International (BNI) all in one."

David Aftergood - President, Peigan Area Business Association (PABA) / Owner of the Road King Wok and Grill
